

A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically positioned into the jaw bone beneath the gum that allows your dentist to mount a replacement tooth or teeth into that area. Implants function to replace a missing tooth or missing teeth. Implants are an alternative to bridges because they allow you to replace a tooth without having to anchor to other teeth.  They can also be used to anchor ill-fitting dentures. They will not decay like teeth and roots can.

The Implant Process

The whole process can take from 4-12 months (depending on complexity of case). It is done in 2 phases.  The first phase is completed by an oral surgeon.  We will gladly refer you to a surgeon we routinely work with on implant cases. 

An oral surgeon will place the titanium screw into the bone. This may occur at the time the original tooth is extracted or take place about 3 months after tooth removal (depends on bone quality and is determined by the oral surgeon). 

After the oral surgeon confirms the implant is stable in the bone (usually about 3-6 months), you are cleared to start the permanent implant crown process. This typically takes 2 visits about 1 hour in length. This is done by your general dentist.

Appointment #1: X-ray of implant to confirm healing cap is secure and seated, impressions of both upper and lower teeth, and a bite record. We will also select the shade we want the implant to crown to be to match your other teeth. It may also be necessary to smooth the teeth on either side of the implant to provide the best fit of your implant crown.

Appointment #2: (4 weeks after appointment #1) Removal of healing cap (typically does not require anesthetic), placement of titanium abutment, try-in of permanent crown, adjustment of crown until proper fit us achieved. A small filling may be placed in the crown to cover the access screw. This allows for easier access to the screw in the future should it need to be tightened.

Cost of Implant Crown and Custom Abutment = $2248 without dental insurance coverage.  This amount will be less if you have dental insurance and implant crown coverage. We will gladly contact your insurance company and request a pre-estimate so we can determine the estimated cost prior to beginning the procedure. 

Cost of the Implant Placement will be determined by the Oral Surgeon.  They will be able to give you the most accurate quote but you can expect for the surgical portion to cost around $3000 per implant.
